Obstetrics/ Birthing

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Obstetrics/ Birthing

The process of delivery is believed to be the most difficult part of childbearing but here at our centre every effort is made to make birthing experience as comfortable as possible, for the mother as well as the family. The dedicated team of doctors and nursing staff work efficiently to deliver the best possible obstetrics and post delivery care.


  • CTG Monitoring : Here at our centre we have Continuous electronic heart rate monitoring machine (CTG) to watch your baby's heart rate during childbirth as per international standards
  • Painless Labor : We offer pain relief in labour by psychoprophylaxis (antenatal classes), Entonox, Epidural, T.E.N.S. are also offered accordingly to individual needs.
  • Induction & Augmentation of labor:If you are induced (labor has to be started artificially) some of the methods may be used to speed up labor if it is going slowly. It is done by
  • Inserting a pessary or a tablet into the vagina containing a hormone that softens the cervix. This is done in the evening or very early morning. You may go in labor within an hour or so, but the pessary is not usually very effective on its own in a first pregnancy.
  • Breaking your waters. If labor still has not started within 8-12 hours, the doctor makes a small hole in the bag of waters surroundings the baby. Most women don't feel any pain. Contractions nearly always start soon afterwards.
  • Giving a drip of oxytocin. The dosage is regulated and the patient monitored very closely by having regular monitoring.
  • Spontaneous vaginal delivery:when labour starts on its own, maternal efforts are good and baby is doing fine and labour progress is at desired rate, conducting minimally aided delivery by obstetrician, with or without episiotomy is spontaneous labor.
  • Assisted vaginal delivery:
  • Forceps/ Vacuum: Sometimes the baby has to be helped out with forceps or by vacuum suction. You may have an assisted delivery if:
  • You cannot push the baby out, perhaps because he has a big head.
  • You or the baby shows signs of distress the labor.
  • Forceps:Forms a cage around the baby's head, protecting it from pressure and damage.
  • Vacuum:A small metal cup or a silastic cup, connected to a vacuum pump, is passed into the vagina and attached to the baby's head. The baby is gently pulled through the birth canal, as you push.
  • Cesarean Facility:Extensively experienced obstetrician Dr Susheela and well equipped operation theatre are available for cesarean section cases. She has done over 5000 cesarean in 30 yrs of practice including difficult cases like low lying placenta (placenta previa), morbidly adherent placenta, second stage cesarean, transverse lie, previous multiple cesarean
  • Anesthetist & Neonatologist on call:Team of experienced anaesthetist and pediatrican is available whenever required.